New Quickwire 24 amp junction boxes

QuickwireTM– Meet The Family

QuickwireTM – Meet The Family

Junction Boxes

Quickwire Plug & Socket
  • Lightning fast QuickwireTM push in technology

  • Maintenance free.

  • Dramatic time savings.

  • Wire all 4 connections in 7 seconds.

  • Fits through 32mm hole.

  • Reusable.

Plug & Sockets

Quickwire Plug And Socket
  • Lightning fast QuickwireTM push in technology

  • Compact – fits through a 30mm diameter hole.
  • One piece plug moulding simply snaps shut with cord grip.
  • Easy disconnection for maintenance and testing.
  • Pre-flexed plug options available.

  • Designed and manufactured in Great Britain.


Quickwire maintenance free junction box
  • Lightning fast QuickwireTM push in technology

  • Pluggable for easy 1st/2nd fix

  • Dramatic time savings at each lighting point.

  • Colour temperature options.

  • Easy disconnection for maintenance and testing.

  • Fastest downlight termination available.

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prewired maintenance free junction box

Using Quickwire – A Single Push & Click

The simplicity of Quickwire means that it can be installed in a matter of seconds. Each of the 4 cables simply needs to be pushed into the correct inlet, until you hear a click. Then you’re done.

Traditional Junction box

Traditional Methods – Wiring The Hard Way

A traditional junction box requires a lot of work. Live, neutral, earth and switch live need to be separated and individually manipulated into the correct terminals, then screwed down to fix into place. Mistakes can be made, and the limited space inside it makes difficult to get the wires where they need to go. This is where our prewired maintenance free junction box comes in.

Spotlight On Switch & Load

We put the spotlight on our Switch & Load junction box, focusing on two great examples of how it can make your life easier.

New Fire Rated Downlight From Quickwire/Ricoman

In an exciting new venture, Quickwire have teamed up with Ricoman - A Manchester based lighting company -  to provide a market leading fire rated downlight that comes factory fitted with a Quickwire plug & socket.

Quickwire Release New T-Connector Plug & Socket

Introducing the new Quickwire pluggable T-Connector. This new product offers the same dramatic time-savings and ease of use as all Quickwire Junction Boxes, and is perfect for use in conjunction with downlighters.

eFIXX Review Quickwire

Gaz and Joe - the YouTube celebrities - have made another Quickwire video! This time it's a more in depth review of our Quickwire Switch and Load junction box. If you're looking for an an easy to understand walk through of the Quickwire system then this is the video for you. A clear, concise (and very positive) review -- Thanks guys!

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